Cat Man's House is the home of Cat Man. It takes the shape of a giant cat litter box, which is located somewhere in the forest next to a bunch of trees. The interior of the house consists of a large room with cat markings on the walls and several objects such as a cat door, a clock, a goldfish bowl, an orange scratch post, a red couch, pictures of real cats with gray fur, and lamps. Cat Man's House first appeared in "Cat Snatch Fever" where Coiffio used Model Robot to fly down to the house and go inside to inform Cat Man about Terry joining Gerald, and his two other companions, and asking him to turn off all of the lights in the forest. It reappeared again in "Tusk." In "Return to Balding Victory", Cat Man's House ended up being flooded by Wetsy.
Episode appearances[]
- "Cat Snatch Fever" (debut)
- "Tusk"
- "Return to Balding Victory"
- "Muscular Distraction - A" (cameo)
- "Muscular Distraction - B" (Last appearance) (cameo)