Perfect Hair Forever Wiki
Coiffio's House Happy Suck Day

Coiffio's House is the home of Coiffio. It is located in a regular neighborhood, unlike Uncle Grandfather's Temple and many other locations in the series. Coiffio is usually seen in his bedroom, jumping on his bed, or abusing his robot companion Model Robot. Throughout the series, there is a subplot that involves Coiffio selling his house to Rod.

The house was also used for a sitcom parody called "Japanese Bear Dad" in "Woke Up Drunk." It starred a family which consisted of Gerald, a bear, and a woman with blonde hair who wore nothing but an apron. The location in Coiffio's house that was used for the sitcom was a kitchen.

In "Return to Balding Victory", Coiffio's house was eventually sold off to Rod, who started to live here with his new family, which were Felix, the Naked Apron Woman, and one of the students from Gerald]'s school.

Episode appearances[]


  • Every time Coiffio's house is shown onscreen, background music would often play.
  • The name of the house's street is revealed to be "Will Side Pt."
  • In "Woke Up Drunk", the name of the house's street in "Japanese Bear Dad" is the "Desolation Row", a reference to the homonymous song by the singer Bob Dylan.





Living Room[]
