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Model Robot is Coiffio's small assistant robot. He is one of his henchmen/minions.


Model Robot has a cheery and laid back attitude but is often abused by his master Coiffio, who often calls him either "Model asshole" or "Model douchebag." He is often ordered by Coiffio to transform into a thing such as a telephone but will take him too long to transform into it. Model Robot has a boyfriend named Terry and will now frequently add the word "baby" at the end of his sentences. Model Robot met his demise when he transformed into an atomic bomb by Coiffio's commands but exploded. After his death, Model Robot only remained as a severe head that Gerald carried in "Woke Up Drunk", and Brenda tried putting onto a top shelve in "Return to Balding Victory."

Powers and Abilities[]

Model Robot's main ability is to transform into objects such as a telephone, that Coiffio wanted to use so he can call Cat Man at the his job at the convenience store, and an atomic bomb, that made him explode. When Coiffio was driving down to Cat Man's house, he used Model Robot as a platform to get down there. He can also apparently survive water, which is shown in "Cat Snatch Fever."

Episode appearances[]


  • Model Robot is a reference to a "Gundam" robot, which are coincidentally named after a Japanese genre of mecha called Model Robot. His transformations are also a reference to Transformers.
  • He originally sounded a lot more like a stereotypical robot in the series' pilot episode but was changed in his later appearances.
  • He is the official mascot of the Convenience Store of Death.
  • Despite Model Robot's death, he can be seen alive in "Muscular Distraction" with no explanation given. He appears transforming on Coiffio's spaceship in a photo frame and as a vendor at the wedding for the Young Man. Coiffio even made a cardboard box model of him at one point.
