Space Ghost is the main and titular character of Space Ghost & Dino Boy and Space Ghost Coast To Coast. He appears in every episode of Perfect Hair Forever, playing either a role or a non-speaking cameo.
Episode Appearances[]
In the pilot episode, Space Ghost first appears in the opening title card. When Gerald walks around in the forest, Space Ghost is chased and mauled by a Bear. After Gerald gets chased by the Bear, the next scene shows Space Ghost waking up in the real world, claiming that he "must just sit down." His legs are later seen laying on the ground when Gerald is sitting on top of the Inappropriate Comedy Tree to protect himself from the bear at the end of the episode.
In "TiVo Your eBay", Space Ghost is crushed by the Convenience Store of Death. His ship is also briefly featured in the Beware of the Wolf intro song and the Young Man's fantasy.
In "Cat Snatch Fever", a drunken Space Ghost is passed out under one of the tables at Pineapple Beach.
In "Happy Suck Day", Space Ghost is seen drowning in one of the pools on Coiffio's spaceship.
In "Tusk", Gerald sees a small floating imaginary vision of Space Ghost.
In "Woke Up Drunk", Space Ghost is first seen being chased by "Japanese Bear Dad" in the window outside of a house. Sometime later, a drunk Space Ghost comes into a network executive meeting and asks for work but they instead laugh at him. He leaves the meeting and tries calling his mother but is suddenly shot by "Japanese Bear Dad."
In "Return to Balding Victory", Space Ghost is seen running away from a large tidal wave. He is seen again amongst the flashing images that appear onscreen when Rod is on the phone. Space Ghost is later seen hosting the Anime Talk Show on a television with one of the Young Man's animal companions.
In "Muscular Distraction", Space Ghost is seen on the set of Space Ghost Coast To Coast, watching footage of an episode of Perfect Hair Forever on his monitor. He tells Zorak if he is watching the show, which he calls "sh*t" and mentions "What the f*ck (eff)." After Zorak asks him what he is gonna do about this, Space Ghost talks about Adult Swim's disinterest in continued partnership as it now takes him only four days just to get Keith Crofford to call him back. His talk show is then revealed to be in an oven.
- The executives laughing at Space Ghost in "Woke Up Drunk" is actually a reference to the cancellation of Space Ghost Coast to Coast in 2004, the same year that the pilot episode of Perfect Hair Forever aired.
- In "Muscular Distraction", Space Ghost mentioned the name of Keith Crofford, who is actually the name of one of Adult Swim's former vice-presidents.