Perfect Hair Forever Wiki
Underground Ditch

Underground Ditch

The Underground Ditch, also known as simply the Ditch, is a hole of a ditch that the Young Man drives and crashes his hatchback into with his animal companions. It appears at the end of a road, and in the middle of the battlefield that the Cat-Bun Wars occurred at. The Young Man used a telescope and rode on Sherman's neck to see the Cat-Bun Wars out of the ditch.

In "Happy Suck Day", the Young Man and all of his animals remain trapped in the ditch with the now damaged hatchback while the Cat-Bun Wars are in-process. Felix, one of the Young Man's notable animals, later flies out of the ditch with a jetpack to pick up some fresh fish and scrod with no tartar offscreen from Apalachicola for the animals. The Young Man soon goes up and starts using his Hamburger Necklace so he can try to distract the Buns and Cats with it. As he was doing this, Astronomic Cat flies above the hole to rip off one of his hands off of his body and steal the Hamburger Necklace in the process. Sometime later, a drunk driving baby, with a 12-pack of beer, drives a car on the road that leads to the hole and crashes into the ditch to become trapped in there with the Young Man and his animals.

It's currently unknown what happened to the ditch afterwards, although the Young Man and Sherman do prove commentary on Gerald and Coiffio's motorcycle race/chopper duel in "Tusk", and later appear in the forest in "Woke Up Drunk." This means that the Young Man and Sherman most likely left the ditch at some point offscreen, leaving the rest of the animals (with the exception of Felix) and the Drunk Baby behind in there.

Episode appearances[]


  • The size of the hole that leads to the ditch is very inconstant as it will occasionally be either big or small. It also should be noted that the road that leads to the hole is somehow absent on the Cat-Bun Wars battlefield.
  • The Young Man's deer and elephant are the only animals that are apart of the Young Man's animal group that aren't shown in the ditch onscreen. Though the deer was still shown in the hatchback when it fell into the ditch.
  • Felix and the Young Man's flying monkey companion oddly appeared in the ditch in "Happy Suck Day" despite the both of them not appearing in "Cat Snatch Fever." Both of which are absent when the Drunk Baby appears in the ditch, though Felix did leave the ditch earlier.
  • Since the Young Man, Sherman, and the Drunk Baby stand on the damaged hatchback that floats in the waters of the flood that occurred in "Return to Balding Victory", the ditch was most likely flooded by Wetsy.
